A PhD student at Institute of Economic Studies at Charles University and a policy advisor and team coordinator at the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic for the Pirate Party.

Being a vocal proponent of informed decision-making, I am curious about ways of conveying statistical inference to other researchers, policy-makers, and also to general public. Standard applied econometrics, machine learning, big data analysis, and data visualizations are all areas of my interest.


My research revolves around the transmission of knowledge and technology in the economy. I look into the global value chain integration and inspect the different ways it affects productivity (first dissertation paper). Using data on R&D expenditure in the Czech Republic, I estimate the direct R&D returns and also the spillovers to other industries (second dissertation paper). The third paper is planned to bridge the previous two and see how R&D efforts steer the impacts of value chain integration in the right direction.


  • Technology diffusion
  • Global value chains
  • R&D returns and spillovers
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Empirical economics